¥There’s always more to learn: developer workflows, shipping to app stores, internationalization, security and more.
¥Where to go from here
¥Dive deep
我们建议使用 VS Code 代码编辑器及其方便的 React Native 工具。
¥We recommend using the VS Code code editor and its handy React Native tools.
¥Platforms to try
Expo 是 React Native 的工具和服务框架,专注于帮助你构建、发布和迭代应用,使用 Web 开发中流行的预览部署工作流程,以及自动化你的开发工作流程。Expo 还可以在不接触 Xcode 或 Android Studio 的情况下构建 React Native 应用,并且如果你想使用这些工具,它也不会妨碍你。
¥Expo is a framework of tools and services for React Native that focuses on helping you build, ship, and iterate on your app, to use preview deployment workflows that are popular with web development, and to automate your development workflows. Expo also makes it possible to build React Native apps without ever touching Xcode or Android Studio, and it doesn't get in the way if you want to use those tools.
Ignite 是一个入门工具包 CLI,带有多个 React Native 样板。最新的 Ignite Maverick 使用 MobX-State-Tree 进行状态管理、React Navigation 和其他常用库。它具有屏幕、模型等的生成器,并支持开箱即用的 Expo。Ignite 还附带了一个针对自定义设计、主题支持和测试进行调整的组件库。如果你正在寻找预配置的技术堆栈,Ignite 可能非常适合你。
¥Ignite is a starter kit CLI with several React Native boilerplates. The latest, Ignite Maverick, uses MobX-State-Tree for state management, React Navigation, and other common libraries. It has generators for screens, models, and more, and supports Expo out of the box. Ignite also comes with a component library that is tuned for custom designs, theming support, and testing. If you are looking for a preconfigured tech stack, Ignite could be perfect for you.
¥Example Apps
尝试 作品展示 中的应用,看看 React Native 的能力!寻找更多实用的东西?看看这个 GitHub 上的一组示例应用。你可以查看他们的源代码 - 尝试在模拟器或设备上运行一个。
¥Try out apps from the Showcase to see what React Native is capable of! Looking for something more hands on? Check out this set of example apps on GitHub. You can look at their source code—try running one on a simulator or device.
查找、制作和分享你自己的原生组件和 TurboModule
¥Find, make, and share your own Native Components and TurboModules
React Native 拥有一个由数千名像你一样制作内容、工具、教程和原生组件的开发者组成的社区!
¥React Native has a community of thousands of developers like you making content, tools, tutorials—and Native Components!
在核心组件中找不到你想要的内容?访问 React Native 目录 了解社区所创造的内容。
¥Can’t find what you’re looking for in the Core Components? Visit React Native Directory to find what the community has been creating.
此文档引用了一组旧版的 API,需要更新以反映新架构
¥This documentation references a legacy set of API and needs to be updated to reflect the New Architecture
有兴趣制作自己的原生组件或模块吗?为你自己的用例制作模块并在 NPM 和 GitHub 上与其他人共享它们有助于发展 React Native 生态系统和社区!阅读制作你自己的原生模块(安卓、iOS)和原生组件(安卓、iOS)的指南。
¥Interested in making your own Native Component or Module? Making modules for your own use case and sharing them with others on NPM and GitHub helps grow the React Native ecosystem and community! Read the guides to making your own Native Modules (Android, iOS) and Native Components (Android, iOS).