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欢迎来到架构概述!如果你正在开始使用 React Native,请参阅 指南 部分。继续阅读以了解 React Native 的内部结构是如何工作的!

¥Welcome to the Architecture Overview! If you're getting started with React Native, please refer to Guides section. Continue reading to learn how internals of React Native work!


¥This section is a work in progress and more material will be added in the future. Please make sure to come back later to check for new information.

架构概述旨在分享 React Native 内部工作原理的概念概述。目标受众包括库作者和核心贡献者。如果你是应用开发者,则不需要熟悉本材料即可有效地使用 React Native。你仍然可以从概述中受益,因为它将让你深入了解 React Native 的幕后工作原理。欢迎在此部分分享你对 工作组内部讨论 的反馈。

¥Architecture Overview is intended to share conceptual overview of how React Native's internals work. The intended audience includes library authors and core contributors. If you are an app developer, it is not a requirement to be familiar with this material to be effective with React Native. You can still benefit from the overview as it will give you insights into how React Native works under the hood. Feel free to share your feedback on the discussion inside the working group for this section.


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