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显示 iOS 行动表 原生组件。

¥Displays native to iOS Action Sheet component.








static showActionSheetWithOptions: (
options: ActionSheetIOSOptions,
callback: (buttonIndex: number) => void,

显示 iOS 操作表。options 对象必须包含以下一项或多项:

¥Display an iOS action sheet. The options object must contain one or more of:

  • options(字符串数组) - 按钮标题列表(必需)

    ¥options (array of strings) - a list of button titles (required)

  • cancelButtonIndex(整数) - options 中取消按钮的索引

    ¥cancelButtonIndex (int) - index of cancel button in options

  • cancelButtonTintColor(字符串) - color 用于更改取消按钮的文本颜色

    ¥cancelButtonTintColor (string) - the color used for the change the text color of the cancel button

  • destructiveButtonIndex(整数或整数数组) - options 中破坏性按钮的索引

    ¥destructiveButtonIndex (int or array of ints) - indices of destructive buttons in options

  • title(字符串) - 显示在操作表上方的标题

    ¥title (string) - a title to show above the action sheet

  • message(字符串) - 显示在标题下方的消息

    ¥message (string) - a message to show below the title

  • anchor(数字) - 操作表应锚定的节点(用于 iPad)

    ¥anchor (number) - the node to which the action sheet should be anchored (used for iPad)

  • tintColor(字符串) - color 用于非破坏性按钮标题

    ¥tintColor (string) - the color used for non-destructive button titles

  • disabledButtonIndices(数字数组) - 应禁用的按钮索引列表

    ¥disabledButtonIndices (array of numbers) - a list of button indices which should be disabled

  • userInterfaceStyle(字符串) - 操作表使用的界面风格,可以设置为 lightdark,否则将使用默认的系统风格

    ¥userInterfaceStyle (string) - the interface style used for the action sheet, can be set to light or dark, otherwise the default system style will be used

'callback' 函数采用一个参数,即所选项目的从零开始的索引。

¥The 'callback' function takes one parameter, the zero-based index of the selected item.


¥Minimal example:

options: ['Cancel', 'Remove'],
destructiveButtonIndex: 1,
cancelButtonIndex: 0,
buttonIndex => {
if (buttonIndex === 1) {
/* destructive action */


static dismissActionSheet();

取消显示的最上面的 iOS 操作表,如果不存在操作表,则会显示警告。

¥Dismisses the most upper iOS action sheet presented, if no action sheet is present a warning is displayed.


static showShareActionSheetWithOptions: (
options: ShareActionSheetIOSOptions,
failureCallback: (error: Error) => void,
successCallback: (success: boolean, method: string) => void,

显示 iOS 共享表。options 对象应包含 messageurl 之一或两者,并且还可以包含 subjectexcludedActivityTypes

¥Display the iOS share sheet. The options object should contain one or both of message and url and can additionally have a subject or excludedActivityTypes:

  • url(字符串) - 一个要分享的网址

    ¥url (string) - a URL to share

  • message(字符串) - 一条要分享的消息

    ¥message (string) - a message to share

  • subject(字符串) - 消息的主题

    ¥subject (string) - a subject for the message

  • excludedActivityTypes(数组) - 要从 ActionSheet 中排除的活动

    ¥excludedActivityTypes (array) - the activities to exclude from the ActionSheet

注意:如果 url 指向本地文件,或者是 base64 编码的 uri,则它指向的文件将被直接加载和共享。通过这种方式,你可以共享图片、视频、PDF 文件等。如果 url 指向远程文件或地址,则它必须符合 RFC 2396 中描述的 URL 格式。例如,没有适当协议 (HTTP/HTTPS) 的 Web URL 将不会被共享。

¥Note: If url points to a local file, or is a base64-encoded uri, the file it points to will be loaded and shared directly. In this way, you can share images, videos, PDF files, etc. If url points to a remote file or address it must conform to URL format as described in RFC 2396. For example, a web URL without a proper protocol (HTTP/HTTPS) will not be shared.

'failureCallback' 函数采用一个参数,即一个错误对象。该对象上定义的唯一属性是 string 类型的可选 stack 属性。

¥The 'failureCallback' function takes one parameter, an error object. The only property defined on this object is an optional stack property of type string.

'successCallback' 函数有两个参数:

¥The 'successCallback' function takes two parameters:

  • 表示成功或失败的布尔值

    ¥a boolean value signifying success or failure

  • 成功时表示共享方法的字符串

    ¥a string that, in the case of success, indicates the method of sharing